Submission Guidelines

The submission guidelines for Grrowl! are simple: If you're a woman with something to say, send in your stuff! We're interested in all kinds of creative expression: short fiction, poetry, rants, essays, articles, photographs, cartoons, illusrations-- whatever you do to show your teeth! The subject matter need not be feminist, it doesn't even have to be about women. Most of all-- it needs to be expressive.

Word length guidelines for poetry, rants, fiction and nonfiction prose pieces, are approximately 500-2,500 words. Exceptions for longer pieces that we feel very strongly about. Please send your submissions in plain ASCII text (cut and paste into the text box below if possible). Don't worry if the message the browser sends back to you makes it look as though your formatting got lost-- we will receive the line breaks exactly the way you type them in.

Photography and other visual art should be in either .gif or .jpg format and sent as an attachment to: If you cannot attach files to e-mail, let us know and we'll work out a snail-mail option.

There is currently no pay for submissions accepted for Grrowl! The current sponsorship on this site does not cover operating expenses.

Your Name:

Your Email Address:

